Cara Membaca Paper Penelitian dengan Baik

Membaca dan mengerti sebuah paper penelitian dapat dilakukan dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berikut ini (Berdasarkan kuliah Bapak Sunu Wibirama)

  1. 1 What is the most important take home message (conclusion) in the paper?
  2. 2 What is general motivation for the research?
  3. 3 What is the research gap from previous work (technical problem that the authors of the paper found in previous literature)?
  4. 4 What are solutions proposed by other researchers to solve the general research problem? What are disadvantages of these previous works?
  5. 5 On the paper, waht is the proposed solution from the other researchers to solve the general research problem? Accordng to the authors, why their proposed solution is important? Is there any improvement to previous works? How accurate the improvement?
  6. 6 How did the authors validate their proposed solution? Is the solution supported by valid data or experimental results? Is there any discrepancy between what authors claimed and what they wrote in the paper?
  7. 7 Try to analyze these parts: research gap, proposed solution, and how to evaluate the proposed solution. Do you find any problem from these important parts? For example, in siimulation-based research, do you think that the proposed solution can be implemented in real-time situation? Do you think that the proposed solution is robust and feasible for different setting/environment? How about the computational time?
  8. 8 What is scientific contribution in this paper? Did the authors solve old problem with new approach? Did the authors solve new problem with old approach? Did the authors solve new problem with new approach?
  9. 9 Try to read the discusion and conclussion. Do you find any suggestion for improvement in the discussion? What are disadvantages of the proposed solution?
  10. 10 Do you find any part of this paper that you don't understand clearly? For example: mathematical equation, algorithm of the proposed solution, validation steps, etc. Try to find as many possible parts that you don't understand. This will guide you to study basic knowledge needed to better understand the paper.